Let's Work Together

With a background in mental health, executive health coaching, corporate wellness, mindfulness, and specialized resilience training, I provide a unique coaching opportunity for my clients. My philosophy is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s designed specifically for you. I provide a confidential, private time-out to step back and reflect on what’s working in your life, what’s not, and why. I work with motivated clients who seek personal growth, increased awareness, and a strong desire to show up strong in their lives regardless of their challenges. My coaching facilitates transformation toward clarity, confidence, and a renewed, self-aware outlook for your daily journey.
The Connected Self Therapy: Therapy & Coaching Services
The Connected Self Therapy: Therapy & Coaching Services
  • I connect with clients in the states and abroad.

  • Regular sessions are 60 minutes.

Let's Talk

If you have an interest in coaching in my practice, complete the questions on the contact page completely and thoroughly. Your inquiry is important and carefully considered.
The Connected Self Therapy: Therapy & Coaching Services

Get Centered, Feel Strong, Live Inspired


A comprehensive individualized coaching process offering a focused program exploring what it means to be your authentic best. We work together to define your unique best-self vision, understand why you’re not there, and create a strategic behavioral course to help you get there and stay there. We examine lifestyle, relationships, daily routine, and patterns. We identify your signature strengths, how to cultivate and live from those strengths, and systematically transform how you show up with greater well-being in your life. Journaling required. This series offers the flexibility of 60 and/or 90-minute sessions for more intensive weekly work totaling 8 one-to-one individualized session hours of coaching.
  • Level I: Foundation: Get Centered
  • Level II: Traction: Feel Strong
  • Level III: Transformation: Live Inspired
Investment: $1500

Transition & Mentor Coaching


What should I do? Is this the right move for me? What is my purpose? How can I make a difference? If you’re asking yourself these kinds of questions transition coaching can be pivotal in helping you make a well-thought out decision that reflects your unique strengths, gifts, experience, and values. The best way to predict your future is take the steps to create it.
  • 8 weeks/ 8/1 Hour Individualized Coaching Sessions
  • Investment: $1500

Why Did I Eat That?


This mindfulness program is designed for the client who knows what to do, but can’t consistently do it. We work together on understanding your habitual triggers and create a specific plan for overcoming self-sabotaging, long-held patterns of using food for comfort and escape. This program is not intended for individuals with active eating disorders.
  • 8 weeks, 8/1 Hour Individualized Coaching Sessions

  • Email communications as needed
Investment: $1500

Less Stress, More Joy


How do you manage stress in real time in your life? When life gets busy and complicated, knowing the tools for showing up calm and centered is essential to our well-being. This coaching series will help you understand your thought patterns and provide tools and strategies for a calm, centered more joy- filled approach to your day.
  • 4 weeks, 4/1 Hour Individualized Coaching Sessions

  • Email communications as needed.

Investment: $800

Today Feels Hard - This Wasn't Part Of The Plan!


This customized program introduces tools and strategies for navigating a difficult life challenge. We all face unexpected challenges through the course of our lives; we feel out of control and unsure of our path moving forward. This program provides you battle-tested techniques and daily practices that help you embrace what’s hard, frame it constructively, and transform it in a productive, life-serving way.

Investment: Customized program length as determined by Coach-Client

Exclusive for Continuing Clients: Up-Level Clarity Coaching

Maintenance and expansion of foundational coaching work.
This program is designed for clients who have completed a coaching program and want to continue coaching for continuity of practice and enhanced skill-building. This program provides a touchstone for clients wanting to further integrate tools for intentional living and self-mastery. Focus areas to be determined by Coach-Client.
  • 8/1 Hour Individualized Coaching Sessions

  • Email communication as needed

Investment: $1500
The Connected Self Therapy: Therapy & Coaching Services

This week matters.
You matter.
How you show up matters.

I invite you to a confidential hour a week to focus on YOU. We all have moments in our life when it’s not “all good” and we may not have the courage to “lean in” or the confidence to “just do it.” Similar to a personal trainer at the gym, my coaching offers objective feedback, techniques, and proven methods to help you rise up to your best self and focus on what matters most to you in your life.


Therapy & Coaching Services

Are you ready to be heard? Let's talk.